
Global Equine Academy has been in business since 2001 and we are very excited about our students and our graduates. We have students in 45 states and 6 foreign countries. We have both traditional and nontraditional students. Some of our graduates want the degree just to help them enjoy their horses. Many of them are starting their own businesses or are working in an equine occupation. We are very happy that our graduates feel they are qualified to take on any type of an equine occupational challenge. With the continued growth of our school and the success of graduates, Global Equine Academy's reputation for being a leader in equine education is growing world wide. As our reputation grows, so do the opportunities in the equine industry for our students. Sign up for classes with a school that wants to help you meet your goals.
Kelli Fremming-
Transylvania, Romania
Trainer/instructor/co-owner of her own equine business in Romania
Comments from Kelli: Global Equine Academy enabled me to refine my training skills. I was able to learn at home in my own riding arena with my own horse, whilst receiving great feedback from Gene and Sandy Miller. With their expert help, I found what techniques worked best for me and how to exploit that knowledge. This education continues to help me by having given me the confidence to become part-owner of Transylvania's longest established trail venue, the Stepfan cel Mare Equestrian Center- www.riding-holidays.ro
Sam Schaffhauser
Professional Reining Horse Trainer
Owner of Schaffhauser Training Stables
Brookland, AR
Comments from Sam: After being involved in the riding, training, and breeding aspects of the reining horse industry for my whole life, I have really enjoyed being able to better understand the business aspects of the industry through this program. The information is practical, useful, and definitely worthwhile for anyone interested in taking the next step into the horse business. Gene and Sandy are extremely knowledgeable in the equine field and helpful to students. Their curriculum does a wonderful job of ensuring that students are prepared to head into the equine industry or to improve their current business. www.schaffhauserstables.com/
Janette Kreig
Manager and Instructor
at Timber Creek Stables
Shirley, IL
I've worked with horses for years and circumstance gave me an opportunity to manage and operate a 25 horse boarding stable where I also ran a fairly large lesson program. It was a terrific learning experience but when offered a management position at a larger facility that was opening up in the same area I knew I needed to up my game as an equine manager. In my searching for ways to gain more adequate knowledge of this business, I ran across the Equine Management Certification Program offered by Global Equine Academy. I knew right then it was exactly what I needed to take my career to the next level. I couldn't have been more right. Gene and Sandy are wonderful! They have an incredible amount of knowledge and experience and really seemed to have a passion for raising the standards of equine management at any level. Their courses are right on the ball and very thorough. I don't think there was a single aspect or detail that wasn't covered.
I am now the equine manager at Timber Creek Stables, a 32-stall boarding facility in Shirley, IL. For the last two years this project has been in the making. The owners took an old out of operation building and turned it into an amazing horse stable. We are just now opening after a lot of work renovating the old seed drying building into a stable and building a new indoor arena along with a large clubhouse area, bathrooms, kitchen, viewing and offices has kept us quite busy. We still have a lot of finishing touches to do but we have already welcomed in boarders and lesson students. We will be offering lesson instruction, training, leasing, and trail rides this year with many more plans for the future, including camps, clinics, and show events. Very soon we will offer overnight stays for any horse travelers or trailering services since we are conveniently located right off the interstate.
I am so excited about this facility and what we can offer. The classes and certifications through Global Equine Academy have really opened the door for so many possibilities with the know-how on how to manage correctly and effectively. I believe anyone wanting a career in the equine industry would benefit greatly from this program. And it's fun! And you get to keep all the wonderful books (that are very helpful!)
Darci Richardson
Owner of Southern Calif. Equine Rehabilitation Center
Moorpark, CA
Leaving a financial career of sixteen years was a difficult decision. I wanted to venture into another career. Horses were always a long time love of mine. I rode as a child thru my teen-age years and started back again in my 30's. At 35 going back to school just seemed too much. I had a husband, two children and two horses to care for. I just couldn't see sitting in the classroom at the same time I needed to be here for my family. I knew I wanted to further my knowledge in the equine industry. My daughter and myself compete the Hunter show circuit here in California, so as most horses people know, your time is limited. After researching the horse magazines and the Internet looking for some classes to take I came upon Global Equine Academy. I reviewed their web site and found it to be extremely helpful in regards to which classes they offered, the time frame of the classes and how the school was accredited.
I started off by taking two classes at a time. I have learned so much more than I ever anticipated. The classes and books were very simple to follow and were the same or similar to books that most of the Universities use for their equine classes. The best part was that I was able to build a relationship with Gene and Sandy, the facilitators and instructors in the classes. They have been so helpful. After a year of taking the classes I started to form my new career in equine rehabilitation. Gene and Sandy have helped me every step of the way from giving me ideas on my business plan to how to keep my smaller pastures full of grass. I found the courses easy to handle, although you must keep up with your studies. I forgot what it was like to study for tests and complete homework assignments. It had been some time since I was in school, but their online lectures and notes explained everything in detail.
Kelly Robinson
Manager of Kelly Seahorse Ranch
Amelia Island, Florida
Twenty five years working with horses and I'm still learning! The GEA was a great way for me to enhance my career as a professional ranch manager and trainer. With all of my responsibilities on the ranch, taking their informative courses online was the only way for me.
Call Gene or Sandy to make your equine dreams come true.
Martha Chedister
Bangkok, Thailand
After 22 years with the U.S. Government, I was looking for a career with horses, my real love.I have ridden all my life and used to work part-time for 5 years at a 50 stall barn in Great Falls, Virginia, as one of the barn managers before I went overseas. My husband and I recently purchased 20 acres of farmland in coastal North Carolina in anticipation for our return to the U.S., and plan on opening our own riding facility in the near future.
In order to be taken seriously, I believed that some review and accreditation was in order. Global Equine Academy’s online classes were the perfect answer for me, especially since I have been assigned overseas for the past 15 years, work full-time and have two kids. I took one to two classes a quarter and finished the degree in nine quarters. Sandy was a joy to deal with every week, and Gene’s expertise was a pleasure to learn from. I would recommend Sandy and Gene’s classes as a great foundation for any equine profession.
The GEA courses were in depth and professional with some great text books that I will refer to for years to come. Something I didn’t anticipate, but was an added benefit, was that the GEA courses turned out to be a great preparation for my general testing in the American Riding Instructor Association certification program, which I successfully completed in 2005, earning Level II in Stable Management and Recreational Riding.
The courses were also helpful to refer to in teaching my Pony Club kids at the stable in Thailand where I ride, show, write the newsletter, and teach Pony Club. I found the Training Techniques courses insightful, even though I am an English dressage rider and Gene and Sandy ride Western. The techniques apply to all disciplines and I found that my dressage riding improved as a result of the theory in the GEA Training classes. In fact, my horse and I successfully competed internationally in Thailand (2006), and placed higher than ever before. www.nonthaburihorses.com
Call Gene or Sandy to make your equine dreams come true.